• Featured Article

    Are Your Dreams of Having a Family Fading?

    A young lady confessed to me that she had been believing God for her mate for a long time. Additionally, her concern was growing because she was leaving her child-bearing years. She wanted a family and was concerned her dreams of having a family was fading away since she hadn't even met or married her mate yet.

  • How You See is What You will Get

    I heard a testimony of a woman that had a sickness that caused blindness in both eyes. She went to church on a regular basis and was quite tired of everyone wanting to pray for her to receive her sight. Whenever a speaker came, he wanted to pray for her. Her church members wanted to pray for her and even her pastor constantly called her up to be prayed for. Then one Sunday . . . .

  • When You Should Cry Out to God

    There are times when you prayed a prayer of faith and the answer comes quickly. Then there are times in everyone's life when have prayed and nothing seems to work. You try your best and practice every principle you know and still you don't seem to have a breakthrough. You wonder, “what's the problem, God what else can I do?”

  • After the "Prayer of Faith", What do you Do?

    What goes through your mind after you’ve petitioned God in prayer asking Him to do something, yet the circumstance (from your perspective) remains unchanged? There were times after praying, my mind would go into overdrive. Like a machine gun, thoughts would begin to overwhelm me. I wondered what was happening, did I really pray in faith?

  • How to Be Fully Persuaded

    Have you ever found yourself frustrated that you are praying and making confessions, but nothing seems to change? Have you ever found yourself wondering why you aren't getting the results you are supposed to be getting, after all didn't Jesus say, you can have what you say? Yet, you have found that your confessions are not making a dent in getting you any closer to meeting your mate. So what's the problem?

  • Recognizing God's Initial Guidance

    Once you observed someone new in your life and have asked God to confirm if the person is from Him, God gets involves in sending confirmations. In fact the bulk of the responsibility of getting confirmations lie with God. It is God's job to confirm if the person is from him or not. Therefore, as you watch for confirmations remain in a passive state of prayer and watching. Let God be in the driver's seat and let your only responsibilitybe is to watch and listen.

  • The One Thing that is Impossible with God

    Without faith - Jairus' daughter would not have been raised from the dead. Without faith - the woman with the issue of blood would not have received her healing. Without faith - Peter would not have gotten out of the boat to walk to Jesus, . . . and without faith you won't accomplish anything for God.

  • Man: God's Greatest Creation

    Have you ever thought about how wonderful a man is? How God designed him? How God sees Him? In Psalms 8:4-6, the Bible gives a majestic description of him. When God made man I believe it was one of his finest creations to date. God crowned him with glory and honor and made him to have dominion of all the works of his hands. God also made sure that he put everything under the his feet.

  • How to Receive Confirmations

    Right now you may be believing God for your mate and knowing God answers prayers immediately, you may be wondering how will you recognize the person God chose for you. Or you may be wondering whether a certain person who has entered your life is from God. There may be strong feelings of attraction and a desire for a relationship but how can you be sure if this is the person God chose for you? How can you be sure that God has brought you together

  • It's Time to Overcome what's Blocking You from Getting Married

    Make this New Year the year you overcome what's blocking you from getting married. Since all the promises of God are in him are yes and amen (2 Cor 1:20) and God said it's not good for man to be alone (Gen 2:18); you can be certain that God is in agreement with you in receiving your mate. You may be thinking 'but I have been believing for a long time and it hasn't happened yet, so what do you mean make this the year? If I could, I would have done it by now'..

  • Dealing with Holidays When Single

    This is the season when every year you'll see commercials with lots of happy people with smiling faces advertising the latest clothes or the newest gadgets you can get at local shopping center. Next, you'll see actors gathered together around a dinner table pretending to be a perfect family to make you feel like your life is missing something. And to really play with your heartstrings -- those who are single desiring to be married --several times a day flashing across your tv screen will be the mother of all commercials. It's the commercial of the handsome guy presenting a beautiful ring to the excited girl.

  • Why It's Not Working

    It’s God's will that you receive His best and not be satisfied with the enemy’s second best. When it comes to the promises of God there is too much doubt, too much unbelief and too much fear. When God has given you something or when you read in the Word where God has given you a promise, like receiving a mate, --just because God has given it --does not mean it automatically will come to pass. Receiving the promises of God will not happen without your intervention; your conscious choice, decision and intention.

  • The Incredible Benefits of Praying in the Spirit

    Have you ever been believing for your mate for so long without adequate results that you know something is wrong but you just can't figure out what it is? Or you know who your mate is and you are trusting God to bring the other person around yet that person seems not to change? Or you are in strong faith but days turn into weeks without much changing.

  • God is Waiting on You

    Have you ever gone to God and told him about your situation just to hear silence when you expected His help? Have you ever poured your heart out to God and afterwards gotten mad at Him because nothing seemed to change? There was a reason for His silence. The reason God became silent when you did these things was because, other than console you and lead you back to His Word, he could not do much else. You probably didn't receive an answer when you acted like that for one or two reasons:

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  • Playmates vs. Soul mate

    First, we must be honesr with ourselves about who we really are and what our soul yearns for. Only you and God know what is truly in your heart and mind. Only you know what will make you truly happy and whole. In order to find your Soulmate you have to know you, first. You must be willing to listen to that inner voice.

  • When is Waiting for An Answer a Faith Failure?

    If you have gotten the book, “How to Receive the Mate of Your Dreams” you already know how to use your faith to receive the mate God has for you. But if you have been believing for a long time and haven’t seen it of manifest yet, it’s time to take a look at what you are doing. Charles Capps made a profound statement saying, “if you are traveling down a path for 20 years and haven’t reached your destination, you may be going in the wrong direction.” So when is waiting for your answer God’s will or a faith failure?

  • 3 Devastating Effects of How Marrying the Wrong Person Can Ruin Your Life

    Marrying the wrong person can have far-reaching, devastating effects on your life. So you must take the necessary precautions when you decide to marry. Besides a life lacking fulfillment and satisfaction, here are the most common effects of marrying the wrong person. You could put off reaching your destiny or miss it altogether. Marriage is not only the coming together of two people to form a family unit but also the coming together of two destinies.

  • Want to Get Answers to Prayer Manifested Quickly? Read this

    If you want to see your answers to prayer manifest quickly, there are some things you can do before you pray that can almost guarantee it. First and foremost, have the scriptures that cover your promise planted deeply in your spirit man. Make sure your faith is in your heart and not your head. Faith in your head will lead to frustration, but faith in your heart will lead to manifestation.

  • What to Do When You are Tempted to Quit

    As you believe for the return on your mate, there may come a time when you are tempted to quit. If you are feeling this way now, my heart goes out to you because I know how painful that can feel. But I want to let you in on a few secrets that will help you defeat this temptation and come through it. There are reasons you are feeling this way and it has nothing to do with you.

  • Are You Doubting You’ll Receive What You Already Have?

    Do you sometimes have doubts that you’ll ever receive the mate God has for you? Do you often look at others in relationships and wonder why hasn’t it happened for you yet? Well if you suffer from thoughts like these, it’s your ‘stinking thinking’ that is getting in the way of you receiving. If you are guilty of this kind of thinking, the problem lies more in your mindset than in what is actually happening to you.

  • What to Do When You Don't SEE Anything Happening

    What do you do when you’ve prayed for your mate and nothing appears to be happening? What do you when nothing seems to have changed? The truth is there is lots of activity taking place, but it’s happening in a realm where you can’t see it yet. If you asked God to send your mate and you are exercising strong faith, then the answer is on the way.

  • Faith must be Visible, Spoken & Acted Upon

    Faith Must Be Visible, Spoken and Acted Upon

    Faith must be VISIBLE. Verbal Faith is not Enough. Mental Faith is Insufficient. Faith Must Inspire Action. Faith Displays Itself In Works. It Will Not Merely Hear And Not Do. Faith Produces Doers. Faith without works cannot be called Faith. 'Faith without Works is Dead' and a Dead Faith Is Worse Than No Faith At All.

  • What Could be Taking So Long for this to Manifest

    What if your friend walked up to you and said,'you know last Sunday I went to Church and before the service ended I went to the altar and I asked Jesus to save me. I cried, prayed, repented of my sins and asked Him to forgive me and be my Lord and Savior. Though, currently I'm waiting for the manifestation.'

  • Possessing Gods Promise

    It may seem impossible. in your natural strength.It may even beimpossible. But the Bible says, with God nothing shall be impossibleto him that believes. Notice it didn't say, with God nothing shallbe impossible to him that is smart enough, rich enough, or youngenough. The only thing God needs to perform the impossible in your life is your belief.

  • Move While the Door of Opportunity is OPEN

    Oftentimes when you start believing God for your mate or for the return of a wayward mate and your faith is working well; you may begin to see little signs that God is working in your behalf. God may begin sending different teachings and lessons across your path relating to marriage. He may begin giving dreams, visions, and prophecies regarding your mate or He may begin preparing and getting you ready to receive him or her.

  • What Do You Mean by Praying?

    John: “Hey, how have you been? Haven’t seen you in awhile, what’s new? Bella: “Oh not much, just praying for God to send me my mate.” John: “Praying? What do you mean by praying? Bella: “You know, prrrraying…” John: “No, I don’t know what you mean. Tell me how and what are your praying?

  • What to Do When He or (She) Marries Someone Else

    Life is going along fine, then one horribleday taken by total surprise you find out, the person you have beenthinking is God's chosen mate for you, is in a relationship or evenmarried someone else. Yet this happened, even while, you had been standing in faith forsomeone you believe God called to be your mate. In a state of shock,questioning everything you know and understand about God, you think,if you were wrong about this, could you be wrong about many otherthings.

  • 2 Ways to Handle Silence

    Have you ever experienced silence from God while believing for your mate? . Or, have you ever felt troubled that nothing has changed in your marital status and you wondered why? As you believe God for your mate there will be times when nothing seems to be progressing and you aren't sure why. There will be times when God is silent as you take your stance in faith.

  • God's Communication: The Inward Witness

    If you've ever found yourself in a situation where you weren't sure whichway to go or if what you were doing was the will of God of not; you can tuneinto your spirit man for possible guidance. The inward witness can be avaluable source of information when following God. Through the sensations of the inward witness, God can give you the directionyou need. Because when you're trying to decide which way to go, having theThird Person