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when he or (she) Marries Someone Else
by Victoria Thornton
Life is going along fine, then one horrible
day taken by total surprise you find out, the person you have been
thinking is God's chosen mate for you, is in a relationship or even
married someone else.
Yet this happened, even while, you had been standing in faith for
someone you believe God called to be your mate. In a state of shock,
questioning everything you know and understand about God, you think,
if you were wrong about this, could you be wrong about many other
You ponder how could you have been deceived for so long and how
could God let this happen? Then, in a state of disbelief, you run
around discussing it with anyone who would listen getting all sorts
of bad advice.
As a result you grow more and more dazed and confused. After the
initial shock wears off, you are faced with countless questions with
no answers.
A notable question that will run through your mind at this time is,
'did I really hear from God'? It is an appropriate question and
should be asked when something you believe God has spoken to you
about has gone in the opposite direction. Making sure you heard from
God and being reassured that what you believed is correct, is wise.
Because when God speaks into our lives it is subject to
miscommunication and misinterpretation, unlike the written Word of
Like, healing for instance, if someone was sick and was prayed for
yet the symptoms grew worst, you wouldn't doubt it was God's Will to
heal since healing is found in the Bible. And with healing being
referenced in the Bible, you know that there should be no discussion
about whether it is God's Will to heal or not.
But with God's choice in a mate, it is given by God through a Rhema
Word. A person finds out the Will of God concerning their personal
life through the Rhema Words of God.
In fact, you should have received many Rhema Words from God a long
time before this event took place. After all, the reason you are
shocked he or she married someone else is because you believed God
said the person was your husband or wife. So the first thing you
would need to do is go back and look at the Rhema Words God has
spoken to you.
When God speaks to us on a matter of such importance, He will speak
about it in many different ways and at several different times.
So you should be able to recount several times, God spoke to you
about this person being your husband or wife. (For this reason, it
is highly recommended that anytime God speaks to you about His Will
for your life that you write it down and dated).
Once you have reviewed all the times God has spoken to you about
this person and you are sure you heard correctly; the next step is
to review other communications God may have given you. Look for
other communications God sent warning you about this situation.
Because before a person, whom God has chosen to be your husband or
wife, becomes interested in another; God will let you know. God will
keep you informed if the person has set in his or her heart to do
something that might harm the relationship.
If this person has gone as far as married another (and this was the
person God called you to marry), know that God forewarned you. You
may not have been aware of it or even understood it, but God warned
you many times.
And the reason He warned you was because He wanted you to stop it.
He needed you to pray, cast out the enemy etc. Knowing the will God
does not automatically come to pass, God warned you about an
impending attack against the relationship He had for you.
Now, if you were made aware and did nothing about it, then God's
hands were tied. If you were aware and chose not to believe it, God
hands were tied because without you, He could do nothing on His own.
Since God has given man authority in the earth, He cannot do
anything apart from you. By refusing to or not knowing to cast out
the devil, God could not.
So what do you do now? God may have warned you but now it has
happened. So what should a person do in this situation?
If you have your confirmations that this person is, in fact, the one
God chose for you, what do you do next? For the person, who was not
sure from the beginning, that God called you two to be together,
then you need to seek God because this situation could be a blessing
in disguise.
But, if he or she has joined him or herself with someone else and
you know God called you to be together, then you also need to seek
God. However, your questions would be different.
The most important question you must ask God is, 'what should you do
now?' Because every situation is different, God will give you
insight and wisdom on what you should do next.
However, I don't recommend that you walk away and throw your hands
up no matter how you feel or think about the situation. Before
walking away from someone God has clearly spoken to you about, give
God the courtesy of having the final say.
Don't walk away from it until you’ve heard from God giving you
permission to walk away.
Get the wisdom of God because you can't see all sides and because
you don't know what is really going on. Seek His face until He gives
you His specific instructions. Because no two people are alike, God
may tell you to do something that He won’t tell another to do.
You cannot go on your feelings or your desires or other peoples’
opinions. It must be on what God is telling you. You must obey the
voice of God, only. Whatever God is telling you to do, is what you
must do.
If you fail to get God's mind on it, and you go in a direction God
doesn't want you to go, know that you are in disobedience.
And the way of the transgressor is hard (Proverbs 13:15).
Now expect to have the power of God
working on your behalf. His presence will be a great comfort to you
as you face this situation.
It will also be a great comfort to you as you lean of Him while
dealing with your emotions. But you need not worry, God will help
you through the entire ordeal as you rest in Him.
So if this happened to you, make no decision one way or the other
based on your circumstances, but base all your decisions on what God
is telling YOU to do. †