God's Communication: The Inward Witness
God's Communication: The Inward Witness
If you've ever found yourself in a situation where you weren't sure which
way to go or if what you were doing was the will of God of not; you can tune
into your spirit man for possible guidance. The inward witness can be a
valuable source of information when following God.
Through the sensations of the inward witness, God can give you the direction
you need. Because when you're trying to decide which way to go, having the
Third Person of the Godhead, reside in you bearing witness if a thing is of
God or not can be of great benefit.
The inward witness is the Holy Spirit in you bearing witness to whatever is
currently going on. The inward witness can best be described as sensations
that resonate from your spirit man. They are spiritual sensations in your
spirit man that reveal the rightness or wrongness of something. It can be
viewed as simply 'Yes' or 'no.' 'Stop' or 'Go' or green-light/red-light
This leading is simple in its direction because it provides either a 'yes'
or 'no' answer. Some of the sensations surrounding this 'yes' or 'no'
direction are as follows:
Positive: Yes, Go, Green-light
When the person or thing is of God, the Holy Spirit in your spirit will
confirm it through positive sensations. These positive sensations are an
indication to you that you are headed in the right direction. It's a
sensation telling you to go ahead. It's just like being at a traffic light.
When the light turns green you know you have the signal to move forward.
It won't flow from your mind or heart but from your spirit and you'll feel
the sensations in the middle part of your body. Some describe it as a
velvety-like, smooth feeling that resonates from your spirit man. Others
describe it as a burst of joy or a bubbling forth of goodness flowing from
within when you think about the person or thing. Some sense it like honey
being dropped into the spirit man. But whatever sensation that resonates
from your spirit man, know it will also be accompanied by an overflowing
sense of joy and release.
If you sense these sensations resonating from your spirit, it is Holy Spirit
telling you to go ahead. It's positive feedback from Him.
Negative: No, Stop, Red-light.
With that said, when you are doing something that God does not want you to do
and it's not of Him, from your spirit man, the inward witness will give you
definite sensations telling you, you are headed in the wrong direction.
If you are heading in the wrong direction or doing something God does not
want you to do, it will feel like a stop signal or a check in your spirit.
The most noted sensations the inward witness gives off that indicate a wrong
direction are described as a sensation of grief, feeling troubled, lack of
peace, grating in your spirit, and what I call the "yuck" sensation which
will resonate from your spirit man. The 'yuck' sensation is a strong
sensation of dislike. Instead of joy and a sense of release that accompanies
the positive direction, you'll sense a grating in your spirit, a wall, a
sense of constraint or extreme dryness.
Since the Holy Spirit resides in your spirit, these sensations won't come
from your heart, soul or mind; they will come from your spirit. Even though
this is readily how God leads you, you must be careful because this type of
leading can easily be mistaken for your own emotional reactions. A person
untrained in walking with the Lord and the way He speaks can confuse the
two. Because sensations that rise out of your spirit man are similar
sensations that you readily experience in your soul, so expect God to speak
in other ways.†
Portions of this article have been excerpted from
'How to Receive Confirmations' ebook. You can get your copy by
click HERE.
The Importance of Hearing God’s Voice
How to Receive Confirmations
Faith & Intercession
How to Receive Confirmations
How to Get Your Mate Back
How to Receive the Mate of Your Dreams
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