2 Ways to Handle Silence
2 Ways to Handle Silence
Have you ever experienced silence from God while believing for your mate? .
Or, have you ever felt troubled that nothing has changed in your marital status
and you wondered why? As you believe God for your mate there will be times when
nothing seems to be progressing and you aren't sure why. There will be times
when God is silent as you take your stance in faith. As a result, many questions
may run through your mind. I recall a time when God was silent as I believed for
my mate and my knee-jerk reaction was to go into panic mode. Questions, like,
why isn't God talking to me? Have I done something wrong? Have I sinned? Am I no
longer in faith?
Questions, like these, went on and on as I sought the Lord about His silence.
Prior to this, the Lord had been speaking to me regularly so when He had become
silent, I felt very uncomfortable. I was new to how faith worked and didn't know
that there would be times I would need to believe I had my answer no matter
what. I didn't know I would need to stand and keep on standing. Finally, when
the Lord spoke to me about my situation, I was happy that I heard from Him.
If you experience a season in your walk of faith where God appears to be silent
and nothing appears to be changing, or even going in the wrong direction, your
response is not to panic. Your response is not to try to figure it out on your
own but learn to seek the Lord.
What do I mean by, ‘seek the Lord’?
If you are having trouble hearing from God, you already know what to do: pray,
fast, read the Word to recalibrate your spirit. However, if you are doing these
things and still aren't hearing from the Lord, it may be time to go deeper. If
it is customary for you to pray two hours without interruption, you might want
to go longer. If you usually fast one meal out your day, it may be time to
stretch yourself and fast the whole day. Because If you aren't getting answers
like you used to, it's time to go further into the things of God.
And, you are neither doing these things to earn points with God nor to be
religious like a Pharisee. You are stretching yourself spiritually to get
control over your flesh. I learned from experience that it's not that God
doesn't want to see you with your heart's desire but it's the myriad of
distractions that takes your focus away from Him that slows down the process.
And the faith process can be slowed down by many things.
For example, being in an anointed service or hearing the Word preached may
strengthen your faith. You might even leave that atmosphere full of faith. Yet,
the faith you professed so strongly in that environment may wane when you are
back in your own environment sitting in front of your television or in front of
your smart phone. Remember our lives are hid in Christ and we have been
translated from satan’s kingdom into God’s kingdom, but you can still fall into
the entanglements of satan by what you do. Paul said in Romans 6:16, Know ye
not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to
whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness? So
make an effort to avoid being overcome by satan.
Remember, the things you want from God have to be worked out in the earth realm.
The same earth that satan is god over until the earth lease runs out. Satan,
being the enemy of God, would like nothing better than to see you live your life
without receiving the things God has for you.
So it is worth it to satan to distract you; however, it's not worth it to you to
succumb to those distractions and fail to receive what God has already provided
for you. No youtube cat video; no favorite television show, no social media post
is worth being distracted enough from the things of God that you miss your
destiny. If there isn't enough time in your day for God and He is being pushed
out unintentionally, this could be the reason why you are not hearing from God
like you desire to hear.
Is there enough time in your day or week to really seek the Lord in prayer or
are you praying mini prayers as you walk out the door? Examine your day or week
to discover exactly how much time you really give God and how many other things
He has
to compete against.
Now, because I am encouraging you to pray, I need to qualify what I mean. You
are praying to get answers for why things aren't progressing. You are praying to
determine what could be hindering your request. However, you never do this kind
of praying if you are just starting out to believe God for your mate. When you
initially ask God for a mate, petition prayer is what is required. After you've
made your petition and if there is a long delay, then you seek the Lord in
prayer. Don't mix up the two.
So, there are times when God is silent because nothing is wrong and His silence
is an indication that you are on the right track. And, in this type of
situation, if God is silent and you want to move things along, you can jumpstart
it with a demonstration of your faith through your confession. You simply need
to become an active doer of the Word.
Hence, the second thing to do if God is silent is to start confessing the Word.
By confessing the Word and putting a voice to it, you can instantly stir your
There are three things confession does for us: First, your confession of faith
tells God you believe Him. Second, your confession of faith tells satan that you
believe God. Third, your confession of faith speaks it into existence.
So, if you are experiencing a time when nothing appears to be happening and you
want to know why, don't try to figure it out on your own. Go to the Father and
seek Him until He answers.
His Word says in Jeremiah 29:12 -13, ‘Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall
go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find
me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart’.
It is with a diligent heart; we seek His face. And with the exception of
iniquity in your heart, there is no situation where He won't answer you. The
only impediment, you have for not receiving an answer from God, is to not ask
and seek Him in the first place.
In conclusion, there are countless reasons why God may become silent as you
believe Him for your mate, and if you are curious to know why, He is the only
One, who has your answer.†
Portions of this article have been excerpted from
'How to Receive Confirmations' ebook. You can get your copy by
click HERE.
Doing God’s Will
When You Should Cry Out to God
How to Receive Confirmations
How to Get Your Mate Back
How to Receive the Mate of Your Dreams
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