Why It's Not Working
What do you do when you’ve prayed for your mate and nothing appears to be happening? What do you when nothing seems to have changed?
The truth is there is lots of activity taking place, but it’s happening in a realm where you can’t see it yet.
If you asked God to send your mate and you are exercising strong faith, then the answer is on the way. Because you prayed, God is moving in your mate’s life and His angels have their assignments to cause the situations and circumstances needed to bring it to pass.
But you must understand that you are operating simultaneously in two realms: one you can’t see (the spiritual realm) and one you can see (physical realm). And how you respond to each of these realms will determine if you see your answer or not.
If you need an example of this take a look at Daniel. In Daniel 10:12, he prayed a prayer and nothing appeared to be happening. He fasted and prayed and it didn’t seem to make a difference. He waited and waited and after three long weeks his answer finally arrived.
Daniel 10:12...Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for FROM THE FIRST DAY that thou didst set thine heart to understand and to chasten thyself before God thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words. But the Prince of the Kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days; but, Michael, one of the chief princes came to help me; and I remained with the kings of Persia.
From Daniel's perspective, it probably looked like he was waiting on God. But what Daniel didn’t know and couldn’t see was while it appeared that nothing was happening in the physical realm, God sent the answer the moment he prayed. Even though Daniel couldn’t see his answer yet, God had already commanded the angel to bring it.
But what if Daniel would have gotten into unbelief and had been tempted to think, "well maybe God doesn't want me to have it this time" or "maybe God wants me to wait a while." He would have been wrong. If he had entertained these evil thoughts, he would have been tempted to let go of his faith and stop believing God. And had he done that, he would have never received his answer.
Just because you may not see your answer yet doesn’t mean God hasn’t done anything. And it certainly doesn’t mean that nothing is happening.
Like Daniel, God sent your answer the moment you prayed. You can be assured of this because the bible says, in Matthew 7:8 for everyone who asks, receives.
What caused the delay to Daniel’s prayer? It wasn’t God. The bible says there were other factors involved that delayed the answer.
So what do you do after you’ve prayed and nothing appears to be happening? You continue to thank and praise God for the answer. If at any point the time seems unreasonably long, you can ask him to show you if there is anything holding it up. If there is something delaying your answer, God will reveal it to you. Remember, God wants to give you your mate more than you want to receive him or her.
If you have been believing for your mate and you feel it is taking longer than usual, I’ll be happy to agree with you that God will show you what is causing the delay. Email me by clicking here.†
Why It's Not Working
What to Do When Every Day Looks the Same
Are You Doubting You’ll Receive What You Already Have?
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