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Recognizing God’s Initial Guidance

  • by Victoria Thornton
  • Once you observed someone new in your life and have asked God to confirm if the person is from Him, God gets involves in sending confirmations.   In fact the bulk of the responsibility of getting confirmations lie with God. It is God's job to confirm if the person is from him or not.  Therefore, as you watch for confirmations remain in a passive state of prayer and watching.

    Let God be in the driver's seat and let your only responsibility be is to watch and listen. Actually, if the person is from God, signs will accompany his or her arrival. You won't have to look long and hard for confirmations if the person is from Him. You won't need to pursue hard to find out if the person God revealed to you is yours. Take the position of having God prove to you if the person in your life is from Him.

    Here are only a few examples of how God can speak to you to let you know if the person in your life is from him or not. This is only an excerpt in all the ways God speaks. A deeper study can be found in the ebook, 'How to Receive Confirmations'. But remember, however God is speaking to you now, He'll probably use the same methods to confirm if the person is from Him. God will guide you based on your present knowledge and your walk with him.

    Important: Don't confine God. Don't limit God expecting Him to lead you in a specific way because you'll risk opening the door for the enemy. Don't “put out fleeces." br>
    Just ask God to confirm the person and leave it up to Him on how He wants to do it.

    The First Sign: An Exaggerated, Attention-getting Event

    Once you have asked God if a particular person is from Him or not, to get your attention God may exaggerate something about the person or the situation to get you to notice it. It may be an exaggerated circumstance that will cause you to look and ponder.   In the Old testament when God first began speaking to Moses about leading the Children of Israel out of Egypt, first, God captured Moses attention with the burning bush. The burning bush was an attention-getting, miraculous sign that first got Moses to look.   After God successfully got Moses attention, then He began to talk to him about leading the Children of Israel.  Read Exhodus 3:2-5.

    So the steps God used were to: 1) capture Moses attention. Once Moses noticed the burning bush and drew near; 2) Then God spoke to him.

    When Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan river, God created an attention-getting event to confirm that Jesus was the Son of God. If John doubted Jesus was the Messiah before, he had no reason to doubt at that moment. In Matt 3:16 shortly after baptizing Jesus, John saw the heavens opened and saw the Spirit like a dove descending upon Jesus. As John fixed his eyes on this event, then he heard God say, "this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased."

    Again, notice what happened. First John saw the spectacular, attention-getting sign indicated by the heavens opening, then God spoke. Read Mat 3:16-17.

    And last Saul who later became Apostle Paul had a similar experience on his way to Damascus. Saul was headed to Damascus to arrest Christians but on his way his trip was interrupted by Jesus, Himself. What did God do?  First Paul experienced a spectacular, attention-getting event when the light shown around him, then Jesus spoke to him.  Read Acts 9:3-4

    Notice the pattern God used to speak to Moses, John the Baptist and the Apostle Paul. God got their attention first; then He spoke. Now I'm not advocating that God will do anything like the above to confirm your mate but rest assured He will do something that will capture your attention.   Once God has your attention He will work in other ways to confirm the person or situation. The bible says, Mar 16:20, God working with them confirming the Word with signs following. God will confirm His Word to you but you have to be watching.

    Repetitive Events
    Once God grabs your attention, next He'll begin to orchestrate repetitive events to further get you to take notice. As the Word teaches in Matt 18:16, by two or three witnesses let every word be established. God will establish the word He is speaking to you by sending multiple confirmations. So watch for repetitive events.

    Here are a few illustrations of how God used repetitive events to confirm His will.

    The Gospel to the Gentiles
    When God wanted Peter to preach to the Gentiles, He gave Peter a vision three times all having the same message. Act 10:13-17 tells the story.

    Joseph: Ruler of Egypt
    When God began to speak to Joseph about the plan for his life, He gave Joseph two separate dreams having the same message that He would be a ruler. Joseph dreams are found in Gen 37:5-10.

    Once God has your attention He will begin to speak to you repetitively in all the ways He communicates but you have to be watching. (An in-depth study on many of the ways God speaks is covered in the new e-book ‘How to Receive Confirmations, Discerning Right & Wrong Relationships’.)

    So however God chooses to speak to you, be sure to record and date it. Make sure you have at minimum two or three witnesses. Part of establishing God's Will for your life is being able to have an indisputable account of the ways and means that God spoke to you to confirm your mate.   Take every precaution to make sure the direction you receive from God is established before you allow the affection and attraction of a budding relationship to cloud your judgment.

    If you are already in a relationship and need to know if the person is from God, just say a simple prayer asking God to confirm him or her and God will honor that prayer. It pleases the Father that His children want to do His Will, so God will do His part in giving you the direction you need. All you need to do is commit to watching and listening for his direction.

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