"The Problem with Most Marriages Today is,
God didn't Put Most Husbands & Wives Together.

They Put Themselves Together."

Welcome to FindingGodsWill.com 

"This Site is for You if You are Believing God for a Mate or the Return of Your mate."

Are You or Someone You Know Looking to Get Married?  Are You in a Relationship but You Aren't Sure It's of God?  If you are believing God for your mate or you are trying to put back together a relationship you know is from God, we may be able to help.

The goal of FindingGodsWill.com is to provide help and insight into receiving the relationship and marriage God has for you.  Since marriage originated with Him, God wants you married more than you desire to be and knows how to bring it to pass.  The good news is -- it's just a faith-filled prayer away!

God's foreknowledge and forethought about your life surely included placing in your life the husband or wife you desire. Since He knows all about you and the meticulous details He went about in creating you, it's time to let the Lord give you the wonderful gift of marriage He wants you to have.  This site can help you discover how to release your faith and receive the mate God provided for you.  Check out the site, sign up for the ezine, and get the ebooks to help you find the Perfect Will for Marriage God has for YOU.



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Several years ago I sat on the floor of my apartment weeping from the pain of a broken heart. I had recently ended a relationship with a young man who cheated on me. As I tried to release the excruciating pain from yet another lost relationship, I wondered if I would ever find someone who would really love me. My own search for a relationship wasn't working.

As I wept nightly crying out to God to heal my broken heart, although I felt alone and abandoned, God was there. He directed me to Luke 4:18 and John 14:27 letting me see He came to heal the brokenhearted. Gradually as I was healed, I found myself wondering if there could possibly be someone out there just for me. As I sat with my eyes closed in prayer I heard God's still, small voice say, "Tonight pray for me to send you a mate". So I walked into my bedroom kneeled at the bed and said a very short, heart-felt prayer asking God to send me a mate.

God did and shortly after he arrived, It wasn't much later when God spoke to me again. It was in a vision where I was standing next to Jesus when a girl approached me. She saw me but didn't see Jesus. She was very beautiful and crying profusely. She was in great pain as she asked for help in receiving her mate.  Taken aback by this, I thought as pretty as she is why would she need my help and who was I to help anyone? Then Jesus spoke saying He wanted me to help others received their mate. He told me to write the ebook, "How to Receive the Mate of Dreams". I did and created this website to obey His command to help others.

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How Would Like to Find the Love of Your Life without the Stress of Dating?

"What if, instead of dating to find a spouse, you found your spouse first, then dated to get to know each other?"

A new teaching video lesson with 3 bonuses designed for newbies. It will prove to you that it is of God, and give examples right out of your Bible.

If you don't want to be alone and want a great relationship, great! God doesn't want you alone either. He said it Himself, in Genesis 2:18, And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

God stated the problem and provided the solution, so why waste time on methods that don't work when God already has the answer? Stop wasting time dealing with relationships that end badly, with you in pain, and years older, when you can get God's help. Get the teaching, today, to help you get on the road of true happiness!

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My bf and I broke up a month and a half ago. It was very heart wrenching to me, particularly since the Lord had already told me that he was to be my husband (and confirmed his word). Anyhow, a friend of mine that is going through the same situation referred me to this website, which led me to in turn read your ebook. AMAZING!!! It has totally changed my world. I am standing on faith knowing that God has already brought my husband back to me. Thank you for this encouraging website..... Much love in Jesus,

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Thank you for this...you have an awesome vision and ministry.

Thank you for this...you have an awesome vision and ministry.


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I just wanted you to know how much your article blessed me on today. It was as if God took the pen and wrote every word himself because the very things I had discussed with him were written in detail in your article. thank you for allowing God to use you to do his work especially for singles desiring a mate.

First, I just want to say how blessed I am to have done this service. I know I was led to find this help. I had no reason to go back to your website when I did and that's when I saw the information about one-on-one help and decided to act on obtaining this help.  The process has continued to strengthen my faith and outlook tremendously.


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Your kind words have brought me to tears. You never really know if you are doing any good until someone like you says it so eloquently. Thanks so much.

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